Catherine Pantik, PhD, RN

University of Tennessee Health Science Center PhD

Cathy Pantik received a BA in Psychology and a Certificate in Entrepreneurship from the Cox School of Business from Southern Methodist University, prior to founding several companies, including two durable medical equipment companies. Subsequently, Ms. Pantik served as the practice manager and board member of a successful nephrology practice. Working with people with chronic and end stage renal disease inspired her to pursue her BSN. After graduating Magna Cum Laude from Union University, she worked as a staff nurse in solid organ transplant. Cathy is currently a student at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s PhD/DNP Program. She has been a leader in the College of Graduate Health Sciences, serving in a number of offices in the Graduate Student Executive Council. She was recently inducted into the IMHOTEP Honor Society, which recognizes student leaders at UTHSC. She is also active in the Southern Nursing Research Society, serving as the student representative to the SNRS Board and serving on several committees. Her work as a research assistant with her advisor, Dr. Donna Hathaway, has focused upon therapeutic and medication adherence following kidney transplantation. Other interests include, chronic illness management and prevention, health policy, and mixed methods research approaches. Cathy’s dissertation work is a mixed methods study of patient and provider perspectives of chronic illness management following kidney transplantation.


Research/Clinical Practice Area: Jonas Nurse Leader – Other
Dissertation: Practices and Perspectives of Long Term Management Following Kidney Transplantation

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