Syosset NY United States
Jessica Varghese, RN
I began my nursing journey at a vocational high school becoming a licensed practical nurse at the age of 18. I went on to obtain my Bachelor’s degree in Nursing at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, New York. I possess two Masters Degrees, one in Urban Studies and the other in Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Systems. My specialty area is in Community Health Nursing. I have worked in various roles including field nurse, Staff Development Educator and most recently in nursing management. I currently work as an Education Manager for a non-profit managed care company in New York. I am pursuing a PhD in Nursing at the University at Buffalo. My research focus is on nursing workforce issues and health systems research. I currently serve as the Graduate Nursing Student Academic Liaison, a branch of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. I am also a member of the Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS) as well as a member of the AACN Policy Academy. I had the opportunity to present an integrative review of what factors contribute to nurse leader turnover in the workplace setting at the ENRS conference this past spring. My proposed area of research interest is in nursing workforce issues, particularly related to empowerment and workplace engagement of nursing staff. There is limited research on nurses who work in the managed care environment, especially related to those who work as telecommuters. As healthcare continues to change, it’s important to learn more about this population of nurses.
Research/Clinical Practice Area: Jonas Nurse Leader – Nursing Worforce & Health Systems Research
Dissertation: Workplace Engagement & Empowerment for Nurses Telecommuting in a Managed Care Environment