Chatham IL United States
Julie Varns
Julie Varns is a nursing instructor at St. John’s College in Springfield Illinois. She received her diploma in nursing from St. John’s Hospital School of Nursing and a bachelor’s degree from Sangamon State University. She obtained a master’s in nursing education from University of Missouri-St. Louis. Ms. Varns’ commitment to nursing education began 20 years ago as a faculty member in a practical nursing program. She has expertise mentoring surgical technologists, bachelorette nursing students, and medical students. She is currently enrolled in doctoral studies at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Ms. Varns’ extensive clinical practice includes medical and surgical nursing. She worked as a staff nurse in neurology, orthopedics, and cardiology and as an EENT scrub nurse. She functioned for twelve years in the role of first assistant/office nurse for a plastic and reconstructive surgeon. Ms. Varns used her expertise in perioperative nursing to initiate and develop skills laboratory sessions for students to gain competency in the perioperative scrub role, providing a unique experience for students at the college. Ms. Varns has taught Perioperative nursing, Pathophysiology, and Nursing Research, and presently serves on the college’s Research and Evaluation Committee. She is a former Sunset subcommittee member for revisions to the Illinois Nurse Practice Act. Professional memberships include: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, National League of Nursing, National Association of Bariatric Nurses, and the Obesity Action Coalition. Ms. Varns’ area of research interest is obesity, with a focus on bariatric surgery patients and the psychosocial adjustments they face following surgery.
Research/Clinical Practice Area: Jonas Nurse Leader – Obesity/Bariatric Surgery
Dissertation: Body Image and Anthropometric Measurements in Bariatric Surgery Patients