West Monroe LA United States
Karen Arrant
Karen Arrant is a second-year PhD in Nursing student at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. She is currently in the process of preparing for the written comprehensive examination; and plans to start dissertation research in the fall. Karen is interested in sleep deprivation and interventions to improve sleep outcomes. Specifically, her dissertation question is, What is the effect of a Yoga intervention on quality of life, sleep quality, and sleep duration in older adults? For 24 years, Karen practiced as a registered nurse in neonatal and medical surgical nursing. She mentored new employees and enjoyed teaching critical thinking and clinical skills. After earning her Master of Science in Nursing degree, Karen accepted a faculty role at the Kitty Degree School of Nursing at the University of Louisiana in Monroe. As an Assistant Professor, Karen has experience teaching all levels of undergraduate students and currently teaches the senior Management and Issues and Trends courses. She plans a long career in nursing academia and aims to be prepared for leadership roles in the future. In addition to her responsibilities as both a student and a teacher, Karen supports the American Cancer Society Relay for Life efforts and the March of Dimes in North Louisiana. Karen is married with two children and two grandchildren. Her home, however, is controlled by Heidi, the family’s miniature Schnauzer.
Research/Clinical Practice Area: Jonas Nurse Leader – sleep deprivation and physical activity
Dissertation: What is the effect of a Yoga intervention on quality of life, sleep quality, and sleep duration in older adults?