Centerville Ohio United States
Kendra Varner, MSN, RN-BC
Kendra Varner is currently enrolled in a PhD program at the University of Cincinnati. Her research focus involves the overall health and wellbeing of new nurses during their transition to practice year. Kendra obtained her baccalaureate degree in 1996 from Wright State University, graduating summa cum laude. She worked in critical care both in hospital and pre-hospital environments for several years. With a passion for cross-cultural nursing and a preceptor experience sparking her interest in education, Kendra accepted a 2 year assignment as a missionary nurse educator in Uganda, East Africa. Returning home, she pursued a Master degree in nursing education from the University of Memphis, while working as adjunct faculty and in critical care for the Baptist Health system. She received recognition from the Loewenberg School of Nursing faculty as an outstanding nurse educator student. In 2009, Kendra graduated and became a nurse residency program coordinator. With her passion for nursing and education united, new nurse transition became a career focus. In 2011, Kendra started the LinkedIn GrRN group for new nurses, which has over 17,000 members worldwide. She was a site coordinator for the landmark NCSBN Transition to Practice Study, and has published several articles related to nurse transition. She has worked both in academia and staff development, as well as patient education for the Kettering Health Network, while engaging in doctoral studies. Kendra’s future goals include working new nurses in critical need areas of the United States, as well as nursing programs in underdeveloped nations.
Research/Clinical Practice Area: Jonas Nurse Leader – Education/Inter-professional education
Dissertation: not chosen