Washington DC United States
Meagan White, MSN, RNC-MNN
Meagan White MSN RNC-MNN is a PhD candidate at Indiana University of Pennsylvania where her doctoral studies concentrate in nursing education. She is a leader, educator, project manager, and registered nurse with experience caring for maternal/child and adult acute care patients. During her doctoral studies at IUP, Meagan has been awarded scholarships for academic excellence, presented at international conferences on original research in faculty leadership, and published in peer-reviewed journals on topics relating to teaching and learning in nursing. After recent nomination by her IUP faculty, Meagan was awarded the prestigious honor of NLN-Jonas Scholar in the 2017-2018 cohort.
She has over four years’ experience as a baccalaureate nursing faculty member where she led the development of classroom and clinical courses, actively served on the curriculum committee during major program revisions, advised student nurse groups, and contributed to the Veterans Success Council. Meagan currently lives in Washington DC where she works as a senior program analyst leading hospital organizations through designation processes for the American Nurses Credentialing Center.
Meagan aims to finish her dissertation study titled “Factors Influencing Information Literacy Self-Efficacy of Prelicensure Baccalaureate Nursing Students” in the summer of 2018. She is passionate about information literacy competencies as they encompass essential nursing skills in locating, evaluating, and effectively using information and research evidence. Meagan plans to continue to pursue a career in nursing education, publish findings from her dissertation study, and conduct studies that help to build the science of nursing education research.
Research/Clinical Practice Area: Jonas Nurse Leader – Education/Inter-professional education
Dissertation: Factors Influencing Information Literacy Self-Efficacy of Prelicensure Baccalaureate Nursing Students