AACN and the Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence Partner for Webinar Series on Nursing Advocacy
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence are partnering to produce a series of didactic Webinars for nursing students attending AACN’s 2012 Student Policy Summit next March. Three, one-hour Webinars addressing state and federal nursing advocacy issues will be released during the final three months leading up to the Summit. By participating in this learning opportunity, nursing students from across the country will listen and engage in relevant policy and advocacy issues prior arriving in Washington, DC.
AACN and the Jonas Center would like to extend the availability of these Webinars to the greater nursing community, including nurse faculty, practicing nurses, and other stakeholders. This joint initiative directly aligns with recommendations in the Institute of Medicine’s report Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health that state “Nurses, nursing education programs, and nursing associations should prepare the nursing workforce to assume leadership positions across all levels, while public, private, and governmental health care decision makers should ensure that leadership positions are available to and filled by nurses.” AACN and the Jonas Center aim to increase leadership efforts within the profession and prepare the next generation of nurses with the tools necessary for effective advocacy. Invited speakers include nursing policy experts with national nursing organizations and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation offering a variety of perspectives on nursing policy and advocacy measures. All Webinars will last approximately one hour. The description of the Webinar series is as follows:
Advocacy Actions Now! -Thursday, December 8, 2011, 1:00pm ET
Frank Purcell, Senior Director Federal Government Affairs of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists and Patrick Cooney, President of the Federal Group, Inc. will lead this session and examine ways nursing students can become involved in advocacy at the local, state, and federal levels. Leveraging of media outlets by professional advocates will also be discussed.
To register for Advocacy Actions Now!
The Future of Nursing and You –Friday, January 20, 2012, 12:00pm noon ET
Susan Hassmiller, PhD, RN, FAAN, Senior Adviser for Nursing at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, will lead this session on the Institute of Medicine’s report Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health and review the report’s recommendations as well as the current implementation initiatives at the state and federal levels.
To register for The Future of Nursing and You:
Making Your Message Count –Friday, February 10, 2012, 12:00pm noon ET
Darlene Curley, MS, RN, Executive Director of the Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence and Suzanne Miyamoto, PhD, RN, AACN Director of Government Affairs, will lead this session focusing on the importance of sending a collective message to legislators when advocating for the profession and will review lessons learned from independent and coordinated lobbying. Effective strategies for political advocacy will be shared.
To register for Making Your Message Count:
AACN and the Jonas Center encourage members to utilize these Webinars in efforts to promote policy and advocacy education to students at all levels. For more information on AACN’s 2012 Student Policy Summit, see: http://www.aacn.nche.edu/government-affairs/2012-student-policy-summit