School Nursing Cooke Center (2016-2017)

A grant to support the important role of school nurses, which funded a full-time registered nurse at the Cooke Center Grammar School, who plays a vital role in ensuring that the daily medical needs and personal health goals of every student at the school are being met appropriately.

Amount: $50,000


  • On-going and expanded from 1 RN to a staff of 2 RN’s
  • Sustainability: School is committed to expanded and on-going support
  • School reports positive impact:
    • Accepted new students with significant medical needs who were previously unable to enroll due to a lack of onsite medical professionals
    • Nurses provide medical care at school, support staff, and provide education for families
    • Nurses are part of interdisciplinary educational team and have direct communication with Family and student’s external healthcare providers
    • Teaching health and hygiene curriculum to students
    • “Nurse’s Corner” newsletter to families