Louisville Kentucky United States
Adam Booth, BSN, RN, PhD Student
Adam Booth graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Indiana University Southeast in 2010 and began working in the surgical intensive care unit (ICU) at the University of Louisville (UofL) Hospital. His clinical experience over the past six years has shaped his research interest in moral distress (MD) experienced by nurses caring for patients at the end-of-life (EOL). He is interested in improving the quality of care delivered and the quality of life of patients at the EOL in the ICU by addressing ethical dilemmas nurses experience in practice. He enrolled in the BSN to PhD program at UofL in the Fall 2014 and began pursuing coursework to address his clinical research interests. In addition, he is a graduate research assistant at the school where he helps professors with literature reviews, data collection, data entry, data analysis, and manuscript formatting. He has since published a research article titled, “Advanced Directives and Advanced Care Planning for Healthcare Professionals” in the quarterly publication Kentucky Nurse in Spring 2016. He presented this paper through a poster presentation at the local Research!Louisville conference and regional Southern Nursing Research Society conference in Williamsburg, Virginia. He also presented this research in a symposium and podium presentation at the Graduate Student Regional Research Conference and was selected for a three-minute podium presentation on MD and poster session on MD at this same conference in Spring 2016. After graduation he plans to conduct research on MD, teach, lead, and influence the scholarly areas of clinical practice.
Research/Clinical Practice Area: Jonas Nurse Leader – Other
Dissertation: Anticipated: Moral Distress experienced by nurses in the intensive care unit caring for patients near the end-of-life: improving quality of care and quality of life for patients