Angela Cooper, MSN, APRN, ANP-BC
Angela Y. Cooper, MSN, APRN, ANP-BC, is currently a Ph.D. student at The Catholic University of America, School of Nursing. Her research interest is chronic pain management with a focus on opioid safety in the veteran population. Her academic preparation includes; Bachelor of Science in nursing from the University of Maryland, Master of Science in nursing education from Howard University College of Nursing, and a post-master’s certificate in adult nurse practitioner from the Uniformed Services University. Her clinical expertise expanding 20 plus years as clinician and nurse educator in the areas of nursing education, chronic pain management, critical care and patient safety. Earlier leadership positions include; Director of the Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center, Washington D.C. Nursing Academic Partnership with The Catholic University of America School of Nursing, Adult Geriatric Nurse Practitioner (AGNP) Residency Program, clinical faculty and VA Coordinator of Simulation Center. Selected honors include; the Daisy Award for Extraordinary Nurse from the Daisy Foundation (2017), the VA Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Nursing Nominee (2017), selected to take part in the Inaugural Maryland Coalition of Nursing Faculty Training in Simulation Education Leaders Faculty Development at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (2011-2012) and AACN Certification Award for Twenty Years Critical Care Registered Nurse (1988-2008).
Research/Clinical Practice Area: Jonas Veterans Healthcare Scholar – Rehabilitation
Dissertation: Chronic pain management with a focus on opioid safety in the veteran population