Cudahy WI United States
Roschelle Manigold, CHSE
Roschelle Manigold, RN, MSN, CHSE is a VANAP faculty at the Clement Zablocki VAMC in Milwaukee, teaching fulltime in the Nursing program at Marquette University. She received her BSN from University of Phoenix in 2006, a MSN with an education and leadership focus from the University of Phoenix in 2007, and will be starting her DNP studies at Marquette University in fall of 2014 with a focus on Systems Leadership and Healthcare Quality. Roschelle has been participating in all roles of academic faculty at the baccalaureate and associate degree levels as well as nursing education in the acute care setting. Her nursing background is in ICU, Medical-Surgical, and ER. Her twenty-five years of nursing experience has guided her to giving back to the profession through education. Ms. Manigold obtained certification as a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator (CHSE) in spring of 2013 through the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. She was a FLAG Fellow, MN Hartford Center for Geriatric Nursing Excellence. Roschelle has presented on interdisciplinary simulation at the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare, Minnesota Simulation Conference and the Minnesota Health Educators Conference. Her knowledge and passion for simulation will be used throughout her academic program.
Research/Clinical Practice Area: Jonas Veteran Healthcare – Development of veteran-centric care into nursing curriculum through simulation.
Dissertation: anticipated: Suicide prevention in older veterans