Cambridge NY United States
Sarah Valentine-Maher, RN, FNP
After graduating from a liberal arts undergraduate program I began work as an intern with the Women’s Environment and Development Organization in New York. While participating in the organization’s international conference on women and environment I was struck that, again and again, when sharing experiences and testimony, women reflected on the relationship of environmental degradation and health. The impact of this experience led me to nursing. I find great promise in the place that engagement with environment (social, natural and built) holds in nursing identity and role. I am interested in understanding barriers and catalysts to more fully manifesting nursing’s engagement with environment so that nurses may expand the lived reality of practice and, thereby, our impact on human wellbeing. I have worked as a nursing assistant, a home health aide, a RN in home health and migrant health and as a Family Nurse Practitioner with an asthma center in an inner city setting. I have participated in research and scholarly writing and have served as a nursing faculty member. I currently serve as an adjunct instructor with William Paterson University and Simmons College and am a reviewer for The Journal of Nursing Education. Work in my immediate community includes foundational work on development of a program that will extend the work of a rescue squad to health promotion and health assessment for non-acute home visits. I look forward to PhD study at UMass Amherst and to joining the Jonas Scholars program.
Research/Clinical Practice Area: Jonas Nurse Leader – the engagment of enviornment in nursing role
Dissertation: Nursing and Environment: From Externality to Integration