Trisha Petitte, AANC

West Virginia University PhD

I am beginning my third year in the PhD Program in the West Virginia University School of Nursing. My research interest is in telehealth. I have previously worked on an NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI) Grant Award (R15CA150999; Co-PIs YJ Chen and GL Narsavage) which was a pilot project aimed at using home telemonitoring and nurse coaching to develop self-management skills for patients with lung cancer living in rural Appalachia. The patient outcomes realized from this project included a positive impact on functional status and quality of life in patients in the telemonitoring group compared to the control group. Home telemonitoring after patients were discharged from the hospital gave patients a sense of control about their illness. My role was to monitor patients and call them using nurse coaching skills (motivational interviewing as the foundation), as well as data collection and entry. I have had one publication as first author based on my role in the feasibility study, which addressed the provision of culturally competent care in Appalachia (Petitte, et al., 2014, ONF). Leadership roles that I have held included serving as the Assistant Director of the Office of Health Services Research, WVU Department of Community Medicine where I developed and delivered diabetes, cardiovascular and asthma education modules on standards of care guidelines for health professions students, health care providers and clinic staff. I also provided administrative oversight which including budgeting, personnel management and fiscal responsibilities. Managed research projects designed to impact health care delivery systems and health professions education.


Research/Clinical Practice Area: Jonas Nurse Leader – Telehealth
Dissertation: Home telemontoring of persons with chronic conditions – likely those with CHF or COPD

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